Studies in the Scriptures

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 The PhotoDrama of Creation


Volume Five - The Atonement 
Between God and Man
(Click on chapter number to go to text.)

Chapter 1 The Fact and Philosophy of the Atonement
Chapter 2 The Author of the Atonement
Chapter 3 The Mediator of the Atonement –The Only Begotten One
Chapter 4 The Mediator of the Atonement –The Undefiled One
Chapter 5 The Mediator of the Atonement –“Made Like Unto His Brethren” and “Touched with a Feeiling of Our Infirmities”
Chapter 6 The Mediator of the Atonement –David’s Son and David’s Lord
Chapter 7 The Mediator of the Atonement –“The Son of Man”
Chapter 8 The Channel of the Atonement –The Holy Spirit of God
Chapter 9 The Baptism, Witness and Seal of the Spirit of At-One-Ment
Chapter 10 The Spirit of a Sound Mind
Chapter 11 The Holy Spirit of At-One-Ment –Supposed Objections Considered
Chapter 12 The Subject of the Atonement –Man
Chapter 13 Hopes for Life Everlasting and Immortality Secured by the Atonement
Chapter 14 The Necessity for the Atonement –The Curse
Chapter 15 “A Ransom for All” the Only Basis for At-One-Ment
Chapter 16 The Ministry of Reconciliation or At-One-Ment


Illustrated 1st Volume
in 31 Languages
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