Abraham, God's Friend
Abraham became the friend of God by his manifestation of faith, when in
response to God's invitation he left his own country and wandered in
Canaan. By this obedience he became heir of the Promise, "In thee and
in thy Seed shall all the families of the Earth be blessed." St. Paul
explains (Galatians 4:23,24.) that Abraham's wife represented this
Covenant, or Promise. Sarah's barrenness corresponded to the long-deferred
coming of Christ in fulfilment of the Promise. Isaac typified Messiah, the
Heir of the Promise. Isaac's bride, Rebecca, typified the Elect Church,
the Bride of Christ and His joint-heir in the Promise.
St. Paul says that Hagar
typified the Law Covenant made with Israel at Mt. Sinai, and that the
nation of Israel was typified in Ishmael. (Galatians 4:25.) As Hagar and
Ishmael were cast off when Isaac was born, and had almost perished, so the
Jewish people have been cast off from Divine favor for eighteen centuries,
and today are nearly famished. As the angel of God pointed to the fountain
of water, and Ishmael was revived, so God's message now is pointing the
Jews to a spring of water; their Zionistic hopes are reviving.
The sacrifice of Isaac typified the sacrifice of Christ, necessary in
order for Him to become the Spiritual Seed of Abraham with power to bless
the world.
The servant sent to call Rebecca, the bride of Isaac, is beautifully
explained to represent the work of the Holy Spirit in calling the Church
to become the Bride of Christ and His associate in the great work of
blessing Israel and all the families of the Earth.--Acts 3:19-26.
Rebecca's return with Eliezer represents the Church's journey during
this Gospel Age to meet Christ, the Bridegroom who will receive her at His
Second Advent. Abraham typified Jehovah God, through whose promise the
blessing of all the families of Earth will come. This promise has been the
hope of Israel for thirty-five centuries.--Galatians 3:29.