Studies in the Scriptures

Tabernacle Shadows

 The PhotoDrama of Creation



The Witch of Endor

We have already noted that the fallen angels at the time of the Deluge were barred from further materialization. Since then they have sought otherwise to influence humanity. Few would communicate with them if they knew their real character; hence they represent themselves as being our dead friends and relatives. As such they attempt to communicate with the living through "mediums," who are deceived, else they would not serve as "mediums" for demons.--Isaiah 8:19;Deuteronomy 18:9-12.

In olden times these mediums were called witches, wizards, necromancers. They had "familiar spirits," or were familiar with the spirits who were disobedient in the days of Noah.

God had forewarned Israel against these evil spirits and their mediums. He said that no such mediums should be permitted to live in the land of Israel. They might operate amongst nations not under Divine care, but God's representative, Saul, was commanded to put to death all such.

When King Saul got out of fellowship with God, who refused further communications, he turned for advice to a witch at Endor, and asked her to awaken Samuel the Prophet, who meantime had died. The evil spirits impersonated Samuel easily enough, and the witch gave the King messages in his name, whereas Samuel was dead and could not give or receive messages. King Saul saw nothing; he merely received an answer from the witch, who said she saw and heard Samuel.

The evil spirits have some way of knowing much respecting the future. But anybody under the circumstances might have known the fate to expect for Saul and his army. The King himself knew what to expect. It was this that troubled him and led him to seek the witch, contrary to the Divine command. It is not for a moment supposable that God and Samuel, having refused to communicate with the King, would change and permit a witch, condemned by the Divine Law, to overrule the matter.--1 Chronicles 10:13,14.

The Witch of Endor

Casting Out a Demon

Demoniac of Gadara

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