The Pentecostal Rest
Pentecost, the fiftieth day, was the Jubilee day, as the
fiftieth year was the Jubilee year. The fiftieth day followed a Sabbath
Day cycle (7x7=49), as the Jubilee year followed a Sabbath Year cycle
(7x7=49). As the antitype of the Jubilee Year will usher the world into
the glorious rest in Messiah's Kingdom and in the New Covenant
relationship with God, so the antitype of the Jubilee day ushered
believers into a rest of faith at Pentecost. So St. Paul explains,
"We who believe do enter into rest." All truly Christ's are
enabled to keep a Sabbath rest of faith and trust all the time, not merely
on the Seventh Day, or on the First Day. Every day to them is a rest by
faith in Christ's sacrifice--a Sabbath to the soul--foreshadow of Heavenly
None could enter into this true Sabbath rest, until
Jesus had opened the way. His death was necessary as man's Ransom price.
His resurrection was necessary to enable Him to apply that price on our
behalf. He ascended on High, there to appear in the presence of God as the
Advocate for His disciples. He imputes His merit to cover their
imperfections, and to make their sacrifice acceptable to God, that they
may suffer with Him and be glorified with Him. For the faithful there
remaineth a rest, still more complete--to be attained in their
resurrection "change."--Hebrews 4:3, 9, 11.
Under Jesus' direction, the Apostles, His followers,
were not to begin their work until they received the Pentecostal
blessing--the Holy Spirit--the evidence of their acceptance as sons of
God. The only thing they did during that time before their own acceptance,
was the choosing of a successor for Judas' place; but evidently God never
recognized their choice. In His own due time God brought forth St. Paul to
be the twelfth Apostle--one of the twelve foundation stones of the New
Jerusalem. (Revelation 21:14.) The error of supposing Apostolic Succession
in the Church's bishops was a costly one. It led to many grievous errors.

The Millennium Symbolized
--Isa. 11:6 |